For those of us who are always wanting to improve the outlook of our overall health, one thing that we often overlook is the nervous system.
We often forget how important it is to keep our nerves and neurons in great condition.
And, many people don’t realize it, but one simple and effective way to do so is to make sure that your body is taking in the essential vitamins and nutrients that it needs.
In this article, we’ve listed out some of the most important components that are crucial to the health of the nervous system.
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1. Fish Oil
It has been shown to provide relief for muscle pain and soreness as well.
Fish oil is available as a supplement and is generally considered to be safe to consume around 1,000 mg per day, although, as always, it’s best to check with your doctor first for your own specific recommended dose.
One of the most beneficial properties found in fish oil just so happens to be the next item on our list.
2. Omega-3
Omega-3s are known to reduce the risk of heart disease and other conditions, but many don’t realize that they can benefit the nervous system as well.
Studies found that omega-3 fatty acids work to repair nerve damage after an injury has occurred.
Also, they may be beneficial for those with diabetic neuropathy as well because a similar study showed that increasing omega-3 intake helped with nerve damage in the eyes of people with type 1 diabetes.
If you want to increase your Omega-3 intake, as we mentioned, you can take a fish oil supplement. Or, just simply try to eat more fish in your diet.
If you’re not a fish-eater, flax seeds, chia seeds, and walnuts are some other good sources of Omega-3 as well.
3. Vitamin D
People don’t realize that Vitamin D also affects the nervous system as well.
Studies found that vitamin D deficiency can put people at a higher risk for neurological diseases such as schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, and multiple sclerosis.
Research also has shown that people who already have multiple sclerosis may have less severe symptoms when their body is provided with adequate levels of vitamin D.
Your body can take in vitamin D directly from sunlight, or you can get it from your diet by eating foods like salmon, tuna, milk, eggs, and mushrooms.
4. Calcium
Many don’t realize that calcium is a mineral that also supports the nervous system as well.
Calcium actually plays a role in the formation of brain cells and helps form the pathways for communication to other parts of the body.
This is important because calcium can help repair nerve cells and build them back up once they become damaged.
In general, calcium can be found in dairy products although many of them may actually have negative effects on the body.
Instead, some healthier alternatives to consume calcium include dark green vegetables, chia seeds, lentils, and almonds.
5. Magnesium
While more research and testing are needed in this area, the preliminary findings seem to be promising.
Some healthy foods that are high in magnesium include nuts, avocados, spinach, whole grains, and dark chocolate.
6. Vitamin B12
It helps the body to create DNA which keeps the nerve cells healthy.
If your body is deficient in vitamin B12, nerve problems, such as numbness and tingling in the hands and feet, can occur.
Some signs of B12 deficiency include fatigue, numbness, difficulty walking, and tingling in the hands, feet, or legs.
Not to worry, many common foods are naturally loaded with vitamin B12 including meat, fish, milk, cheese, and eggs.
7. Vitamin B6
When it comes to the nervous system, this vitamin helps to form neurotransmitters which are substances that come from nerve cells and send important messages throughout the body.
Vitamin B6 also helps to form the substance that creates a protective covering over nerve cells called myelin. This means that getting adequate amounts of this vitamin in your diet is necessary for healthy nerve function.
Some foods that are high in vitamin B6 include chickpeas, bananas, breakfast cereal, salmon, chicken, and rice, among many others.
8. Acetyl-L-carnitine
But many don’t realize that it also has been shown to help people with neuropathy as well.
One study found that acetyl-L-carnitine helped reduce pain in people with diabetic neuropathy and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Although it is produced naturally in the body, it can be consumed in our diets as well from foods such as cod, chicken, beef, whole-wheat bread, and asparagus.
9. Curcumin
Curcumin also seems to offer major benefits for the nervous system as well.
A study showed that several of its components work to provide protection for the nervous system and can be helpful in those with diabetic neuropathy.
More research is needed in this area but preliminary findings are promising.
10. Alpha-lipoic Acid
But, when it comes to the nervous system, alpha-lipoic acid has been shown to offer benefits to those with multiple sclerosis which is a chronic disease that causes the protective covering of the nerves to be damaged.
Alpha-lipoic acid also works to reduce the pain, numbness, and tingling sensations that can come with diabetic neuropathy as well.
If you want to increase your alpha-lipoic acid intake, you can consider eating more spinach, broccoli, potatoes, brussels sprouts, carrots, and beets, just to give a few examples.
Final Thoughts
They will be able to provide you with personalized information for your unique health situation.
Then, once you’re given the go-ahead, to can take advantage of the vitamins and supplements that we’ve listed for you here.
Medical Disclaimer: This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your physician with any questions that you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you read in this article. Please consult with your physician before changing or adding any foods or supplements to your diet.
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