Olive Oil is often recognized as a superfood around the world due to the numerous benefits that it can provide the human body.
Anecdotal studies claim that drinking olive oil in the morning on an empty stomach can actually detox and cleanse the body and offer many other health benefits as well.
But does it actually work?
Research is somewhat limited in the area although it is well-documented that olive oil can provide some amazing benefits for your health.
And that is exactly what we are going to talk about in this video.
Be sure to watch until the end because there’s one benefit that you’ve probably never heard of before. So if you’re ready, let’s get into it.
1. Helps Prevent Obesity
One study from Spain divided participants into two groups:
Those who used olive oil for cooking and those who used other oils.
After six years, researchers measured their weights and found that the subjects who used olive oil had lower obesity rates than those who used the other oils while cooking.
Olive oil helps your body reduce its lipotoxicity, which is the amount of lipid cells in your body fat. This can lead to an overall decrease in the amount of fat that surrounds your organs.
Olive oil is also rich in monounsaturated fats, which are known to help with fat loss as well.
2. Reduces Heart Problems
Replacing just one teaspoon of butter with olive oil per day could reduce your risk of heart disease by up to 5%.
One of the most important factors in heart disease is cholesterol. If you have too much LDL cholesterol in your blood, it can build up in your arteries. Eventually, this will slow down the blood flow to your heart or even block it completely.
The monounsaturated fats in olive oil help to reduce your body’s levels of LDL cholesterol, which lowers your risk of heart disease.
3. Has Antioxidants
Free radicals are linked to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and a number of other conditions. Fortunately, antioxidants are there to keep these harmful compounds to a minimum.
Your body makes its own antioxidants, but the antioxidants in food can give you a much-needed boost for fighting free radicals.
Olive oil contains a long list of antioxidants, such as vitamin E and phenolic acid which help to keep you healthy and reduce your risk of many different illnesses.
4. Reduces Inflammation
As we just discussed, olive oil is loaded with antioxidants which makes it one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory foods out there.
One antioxidant, in particular, that we should mention is:
It has been found to have similar effects as ibuprofen when it comes to reducing inflammation and decreasing pain.
5. Has Anti-aging Effects
Olive oil contains Vitamin E which is well-known for its benefits for the skin.
Some sources even recommend applying olive oil around your eyes to prevent or reduce wrinkles.
With that said, there’s not much research into the effects of olive oil as a topical treatment, though, so it may be best simply to add it to your food.
6. Improves Brain Cognition
Several studies show a link between consumption of extra virgin olive oil and improved cognitive functioning, and it may even reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer’s or dementia as well.
The ingredient that’s most likely responsible for these cognitive benefits is oleuropein, which is a compound that has neuroprotective effects.
Extra virgin olive oil has an especially high concentration of oleuropein, so incorporating it into your diet can help to protect your brain health and keep your mind sharp as you age.
7. Helps With Diabetes
Olive oil can be beneficial for people with diabetes because it elevates your insulin levels, which allows the body to control your blood sugar levels more successfully.
Multiple studies show that people with diabetes have higher insulin and lower blood sugar levels after eating a meal that contains olive oil.
8. Contains Antibacterial Properties
The polyphenols found in olive oil are especially effective against a type of bacteria that lives in the stomach and can lead to stomach ulcers and cancer.
Just one tablespoon of olive oil per day can inhibit the growth of a variety of harmful bacteria or even kill the bacteria off entirely.
9. Improves Your Skin
First, it has moisturizing effects which makes it a great treatment for dry or itchy skin.
The vitamin E in olive oil can also work effectively to clear up acne and reduce blemishes. It’s antioxidant and antibacterial qualities can have positive effects on the skin as well.
With that said, some people have mixed results when using olive oil as a topical treatment for their skin. If you have sensitive skin, be cautious of putting olive oil on your face as it could cause irritation or clogged pores.
Instead, it may be best to add it to your diet so that you can take advantage of all of the other benefits as well.
10. Provides Relief for Constipation
The fats found in olive oil cause your stool to take in more water, which softens it and helps it pass through your system more easily.
Olive oil helps to soften the insides of your intestines as well, which also allows for healthier bowel movements.
I mean, what more could you ask for?
Final Thoughts
Which ones are you taking advantage of?
Medical Disclaimer: This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your physician with any questions that you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you read in this article. Please consult with your physician before changing or adding any foods or supplements to your diet.